
Monday, April 23, 2012

Do you see what I see?... {Ves lo que yo veo? ...}

I open my pinterest today to find a complete page full of people with cats (yes.. I am part of that 10% of crazy people who thinks cats are adorable and smart) But then I started to see a weird pattern:

{Hoy abri mi pagina en pinterest para encontrarme con una pagina llena de famosos con gatos que por cierto no me molesto ya que soy parte de ese 10% de personas que le gustan los gatos. En eso estaba cuando empeze a ver un patron raro...}

1rst  Kim Kardashian and unknown (by me..anyone?)
2nd Sophia Loren and Penelope Cruz
3rd Dollie Parton and Paris Hilton

 Is it me or I just have to much time to spare? 
Soy yo o solo tengo mucho tiempo de sobra?

or both! ;)

Happy Day!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, it's funny...and with 2 kids you should feel lucky to have so much time! Leila is napping and I'm wasting my time blogging.



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