
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Short Hair {Cabello Corto}

The other day at the super market I saw a girl with really short hair, she looked so beautiful I couldn't stop staring at her; since then I keep seeing girls with beautiful short hair!(It is kind of like when you are pregnant you see pregnant women everywhere!?) Every year around this time I get the same cravings for short hair.
{El otro dia en el super mercado me encontre con una chica que traia su pelo super corto, se veia guapisima y probablemente le cai mal por que sin querer no podia parar de verla. Unos dias despues vi otra y despues otra y asi sigo viendo que o este estilo se vuelve cada ves mas popular... o mi antojo por cabello corto es cada ves mas fuerte!}

Oh.. if I only had a beautiful head!!

I had a bob (when your hair is longer in the front) for two years and I love it super easy to do! Right now my hair hasn't been this long in years which its probably the only thing stopping me from cutting it...
{Hace algun tiempo traje el cabello corto en un "bob" (cuando tu cabello es mas largo en frente) por dos años y me encanto! super facil de peinar y acomodar...ahora lo he crecido y es lo mas largo que lo he traido en años que es lo unico que me detiene a cortarlo!}

... although I am considering a "long bob"
{Sin embargo podria considerar un "bob" largo...}

Ustedes que dicen?

Buen Dia!!

1 comment:

  1. I love pixie hair cuts!!! They are gorgeous. I wish I had prettier hair.



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