
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Su propio mundo [Her own little World]

via Pinterest
Ayer mientras arreglabamos el jardin se acerco un vecinito de talves 5 anios y me pregunto que si podia jugar con mis hijos (Cami y Mati). 
Despues de presentarlos, Mati empezo a "hablarle" y Camila entro corriendo a la casa. Pasaron unos minutos y ella no salia asi que entre para ver que estaba haciendo.
Al pie de la escalera escucho ruidos conocidos en su cuarto, el joyero de ceramica donde guarda sus joyas especiales y su "lipstick"
Le pregunto si esta bien y bajando las escaleras rapidisimo me dice que va a jugar con su amigo, y lo hace. Solo que esta ves ella luce un collar de diamantes plasticos y brillo en sus pequenios labios.
Yo solo la veo, y cuento en imagenes sus apenas 3 anios, y sonrio porque en esta pelicula ella es mi protagonista favorita y si yo pudiera le haria un mundo hermoso, donde todos los dias fueran felices y sus ojos se llenaran de brillo... asi como aller por la tarde cuando jugo con su nuevo amigo.

Yesterday while we were working in the garden, a little neighbor about 5 years old came over and asked me if he could play with my kids (Cami and Mati).  
After introducing them, Mati began to "talk" to him and Camilla came running into the house.  
A few minutes passed and I came in to check what she was doing. 
At the foot of the stairs I heard familiar noises in her room, I recognized the ceramic jewelry box where she keeps her special jewels and "lipstick" I asked what she was doing but she just came running down the stairs and quickly explained that she was going out to play with her friend, and she did. 
Only this time she is wearing a plastic diamond necklace and lip gloss. 
I contemplate the scene, and see the last 3 years go by in pictures, and I smile because in this film she is my favorite character...and if I could I would make a beautiful world just for her, where every day would be a happy day and her eyes would be full of shine ... as in the afternoon when she played with her new friend.


  1. This is so cute. Camila is such a wonderful little girl. I love her! Yes! You have created her special world and that's why she is so confident and talented.

  2. Me encanta como escribes!!!! You're so talented and beautiful!!!!



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