
Friday, March 23, 2012

Our double Party! {Doble Fiesta}

A friend just send me these pictures that she took at our double Princess/Cars party couple of weeks ago, I couldn't resist to post them asap!
This is my second attempt to a double birthday party and since their birthdays are less than a week apart I may became really good a this game! For now abide with me :)

 I had 3 main tables, the one on the left had a princess theme and had all the sweets (candy,ice cream,cupcakes,etc) The one in the middle had the two cakes and the "Ombre" balloons in the back going from hues of pinks to reds. The table on the right had all the salty/main dish in a car's theme. There was one pink table for the girls and another one for the boys with black and white checkers tablecloth and 3 big round tables for the parents.

"Mirror Mirror Hair and Makeup" A friend did hair and another one makeup,we also had crowns for all the princess in the room.
"Royal Nails and Spa" Two friends did nails and tattoos for the girls.
"Ramone's house of body art" a fancy name for face painting (boys and girls)
"Route 66 game" We took an old tire made some bean sacks and they try to throw them inside the tire from different angles. 
"Stop and Go" Pretty much freeze!

{Este fue mi segundo intento de una fiesta doble (combinada), y ya que sus cumpleanos solo son menos de una semana de diferencia estoy pensando que eventualmente me hare muy buena en esto... por ahora permanescan conmigo!
Puse 3 mesas principales la de en medio tenia los pasteles/tortas con los globos "ombre" con los tonos yendo de rosa a rojo y ginda. A la izquierda una mesa con el tema de princesas tenia todo los postres y dulces y a la derecha estaba la mesa de la merienda con un tema en carros. En el centro del salon pusimos 2 mesas cortas, una rosa para las princesas y otra en un mantel de cuadros blancos y negros para los varones. Alrededor pusimos 3 mesas grandes para los padres.
"Espejito Espejito Hair and Makeup" Una amiga peino y coloco coronas a as princesas y otra las maquillo.
"Royal Nails and Spa" Dos amigas pintaron unas y pusieron tatuajes de agua
"Ramone's Casa de Pintura"  Refiriendose al personaje de la pelicula de Cars, se pinto carros, mariposas,etc en la cara.
"Ruta 66" Con una llanta/neumatico y unos sacos/costalitos rellenos de semillas jugamos a ver quien ensestaba dentro de la llanta/neumatico.
"El Semaforo" Rojo:paraban Verde:Corrian}

I hope you had a happy birthday Happiness and Sunshine (Cami and Mati)!!
 I never thought my heart was capable of feeling this huge amount of joy and responsibility at the same time.  The more you grow, the bigger my heart gets. You make me a happy mom and a better human. I look forward to seeing you fulfill your dreams.... and be there first row!  

My love is eternally yours

P.S Thank you for the pics Yohana! (I want a SnowWhite like yours!)



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